Friday, August 28, 2009

Can mudpacks relieve arthritic joint pain? Part 2

So what does this mean for the consumer?

This was a small study and was not randomly performed. Nevertheless, there are a lot of anecdotal reports indicating that mudpacks may have some therapeutic benefit. However, for the consumer, selection of mudpack is a major problem. There are hundreds of mudpack products being sold, each with exorbitant claims about their healing powers. Many of these mudpacks have never been analyzed and no one really knows where the mud was obtained or what it contains. False labeling and misleading advertizing is common in the field of health and cosmetics. Almost everyone claims that their mudpacks are from the Dead or Red sea and sometimes from the Amazon rain forest. The only good news is that mudpacks are relatively cheap.

Today, there are many formulations of mudpacks. In fact, some ingenious vendors even sell liquid mudpacks which you can drink (probably these are the same people who recommend drinking urine for good health).

The starting price for a small tube of mudpack averages about $4. Therefore, if you have pain from osteoarthritis and have little money to spend on pharmaceutical drugs, one may want to try a mudpack. The only one way to know if the mudpack works is to try it out for a few weeks.

Individuals with arthritis who have excessive pain or joint instability, may greatly benefit from use of splints, crutches, wheel chairs, walkers, braces, or lift chairs. For more on supplies for your arthritis, please visit

Can mudpacks relieve arthritic joint pain? Part 1

One of the oldest treatments for arthritis and muscle pains has been mudpacks. The Egyptians, Romans, and Incas frequently applied mudpacks for treatment of various rheumatic disorders. Over the centuries, mudpacks have gained more influence in cosmetics and many beauty parlors use mudpacks to sooth and beautify skin.

There was a time when mud was collected from wet grounds but today, it is believed that mud collected from mineral springs and hot spas probably has the most therapeutic benefit.

For mud to be of therapeutic value, it must contain very little or no clay, and contain organic residue of herbs, flowers and grasses. With time, this residue is transformed into a fine paste that easily dissolves in water and contains a high concentration of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, various proteins, and fatty acids.

Today, many alternative health care practitioners prescribe mud baths for treatment of joint pain, muscle aches, improve eczema, acne, psoriasis, and help muscle recovery after injury. Cosmetologists recommend mudpacks to help soften skin and keep it looking younger.

One area where mud baths have been reported to be of value is treatment of joint pains from osteoarthritis. Over the years, there have been many anecdotal reports of mudpack having the ability to relieve joint pain and decrease swelling. To determine if mudpacks are truly beneficial, a clinical study was recently undertaken.

Patients with bilateral osteoarthritis were divided into two groups and treated with daily mudpacks on weekdays for 3 weeks. The mudpacks were applied to both knees for 30 mins. The control group received pain control with acetaminophen. Patients were evaluated immediately after the treatment was completed and once again a month after treatment.

Compared to the control groups, patients treated with mudpacks had superior outcomes in terms of pain control and joint swelling.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Water Purification Tablets: Part 2

There are many commercial portable drinking chemical additives available for outdoors people, hikers, and other individuals who travel into remote areas. These water purification tablets are not only for remote areas but can be used to make municipal water safe. The water purification tablets act by removing chlorine, decrease bad state and reduce the odor. Further, these products can rapidly kill a variety of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and parasites. The products are ideal for campers, hikers’ international travelers, and military personnel.

The chief ingredient in water purification tablets is chlorine dioxide/iodine. Individuals who have allergy to iodine should buy chlorine dioxide products only. The chlorine can rapidly kill most pathogens in natural fresh water. Chlorine is available in lightweight kits as a solution/tablet. When chlorine is added to water, within 30 minutes, the water will become clear and ready for consumption.

The majority of water purification chemicals are relatively cheap and cost anywhere from $5-$15 depending on the amount.

For more on water supplies and water purification systems, please visit

Water Purification Tablets: part 1

Water is essential for life. In any emergency situation, one can live for a short time without food but water is essential. Having adequate water is the one key ingredient all outdoors people should have enough. On average, one requires at least a gallon of water per day per person. One can use half of the water from drinking and the other half for cooking and cleaning. While all this sounds great, it is difficult to predict what can happen in the outdoors. Furthermore, the amount of water one can carry around is limited. Water is heavy, requires containers, and does not last very long. Therefore, an alternative to carrying water in some situations is use of water purification tablets. This is of benefit if one is expecting to be in an area where there is a lake, river, or stream. However, many rivers, lakes, and streams in the outdoors are contaminated by animal waste, pathogens, and chemicals. Further, many streams also contain numerous bacteria and other organisms, which can easily cause infection in humans if the water is ingested.

Treating dirty water to make it safe for consumption is not new. One can use paper or towel to strain water and remove dirt particles. The other option is to boil water for at least one minute. If one cannot boil water, then the second best alternative is to have other supplies like water purification tablets. These tablets can be life saving as they can turn almost any type of water into safe drinking water. Water purification tablets are readily available and come with water purification systems that can quickly provide pure cleaning water…

Walking Canes: Part 3

There are some basic canes but many can be fitted with accessories like custom-made handgrips that can provide better function and ease of use. One can also have special caps fitted at the end of the cane to maintain traction on slippery grounds. Other accessories for canes include a cushion handle, leather strap, or a plug strap.

Canes are ideal for individuals who require only one arm for balance. Even though there are many type of canes available, there is no evidence that one is better than the other as far as ambulation is concerned.

The majority of standard wooden and aluminum canes are lightweight and their lengths can be adjusted. There are many types of canes, some are collapsible, and others can be folded.

While most canes are only used for balance, some canes can be used for occasional lightweight bearing. There are also aluminum canes for the visually impaired.

Canes are also widely used by individuals who like the outdoors. Many hikers, mountaineers, and outdoor enthusiasts use walking canes.
Finally, always ensure that you buy a properly sized cane. When standing straight, the arm that holds the cane should have a 20 degree bend at the elbow. Prior to buying any cane, a visit to a physical therapist is highly recommended as one can get a better idea what one needs.

At, there are many styles of canes. The majority are compact and lightweight. Many canes come with appealing colors and a polished surface. Most canes are exceptionally sturdy and can support weights up to 220-250 pounds. Many canes can automatically unfold and lock, and are easy to store. Some even come with a convenient storage case.

For more on canes, please visit

Walking Canes Part 2

One of the ambulatory devices commonly used by elderly individuals for assistance is canes. There are many varieties and styles of canes. The choice is strictly personal. There is a lot of evidence that use of canes can improve balance and also allows for some mild degree of weight bearing. Use of a cane can help improve balance by increasing an individual’s base of support. When the cane is used correctly, it can unload pressure on the opposite leg by at least 20-25 percent.

There are four categories of canes, each of which provides a different amount of assistance during walking.

The simplest is the C straight cane with a curved handle. The C cane is for use by individuals who require minimal assistance during walking.

Functional grip canes are very similar to C canes except that the handle is different. Functional grip canes have a straight grip handle rather than a smooth curve. This allows for a steady grip and improves cane control. Functional canes are more suited for individuals who need slightly more assistance with balance.

The quad cane comes with a rectangular base and four small supports. The horizontal base provides more support. In general, Quad canes are often used by individuals who have had a stroke and are left with residual hemiplegia, or paresis of one arm, leg, or both.

The hemi walker is a combination of the quad cane and a walker. Its base is much larger and provides great base support. Besides balance, it also helps individuals remain erect easily. Individuals with severe strokes, which have resulted in dense paralysis of one side of the body, may benefit from the hemi walker.

Walking Canes Part 1

One of the very common ailment which affects many elderly individuals is difficulty walking. Unsteady gait is a very common reason for falls in the elderly. In many cases, when elderly fall, he /she is never able to get up without assistance. Moreover, these falls carry a high morbidity and mortality. The majority of these falls are associated with fractures of the wrist, hip, or knee and in most cases, surgery is required.

It is estimated that at least 10% of elderly individuals need some type of ambulatory device to help walk safely. The majority of these individuals would be home bound or bed ridden if there were no other options available to assist them walk. There are many devices which can help individuals remain mobile. Some of the more common devices include use of wheel chairs, power chairs, walkers, and canes.

Canes have been around for decades and widely used as the initial choice to assist people with gait problems. However the use of cane is not an answer for everyone who has a gait problem. Since many individuals live in homes with narrow staircases, uneven pathways, narrow door entrances and slippery floors, the use of a cane must be evaluated. Further, many individuals who have gait problems also have other medical disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, poor vision, arthritis, and hearing defects.

The one way to prevent falls and improve gait is to use an ambulatory device. The selection of such devices is best made by a health care professional or a physical therapist.

Monday, August 3, 2009

How can I lower my high blood pressure? Part 3

For those individuals whose blood pressure remains elevated after changes in lifestyle, medications to lower blood pressure are required. There are a lot of effective medications to treat blood pressure and the best medication depends on the gender, race, and other co-morbidities.

In most individuals, diuretics or water pills remain first line therapy. Other classes of drugs include calcium channel blockers, Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and beta-blockers. Sometimes a combination of drugs is required to lower blood pressure.

While treatment of high blood pressure is relatively easy, one has to understand that the process is life long and compliance is a must. Once blood pressure is controlled, it is essential to follow up with a health care professional. Home measurement of blood pressure on a regular basis is also highly recommended.

For more on blood pressure measuring devices, please visit

How can I lower my high blood pressure? Part 2

All consumers should understand that having high blood pressure on a consistent basis is not good for health.

Individuals who have a blood pressure reading greater than 120/80, should start making changes in their lifestyle, exercise, eating healthy and stop smoking.

Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce blood pressure. Exercise helps control body weight, reduces high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If blood pressure remains higher than 140/90 despite changes in life style, one, may need to take a medication. Individuals who have diabetes or chronic kidney disease should aim for a blood pressure less than 130/80.

No matter how high the blood pressure, life style changes can make a significant impact on it. The following lifestyle changes can help lower blood pressure:

- Try and lose weight if you are overweight
- Discontinue smoking
- Eat a healthy diet and avoid junk food. While there
are hundreds of diet programs, a common sense approach
should be to eat more vegetables, fruits, low fat and
avoid saturated fats.
- Reduce the intake of sodium by about a teaspoon on a
daily basis
- Exercise on a regular basis. Joining a gym is great but
one can substitute intense exercise with daily walks and
can have similar results
- Avoid excessive alcohol. Perhaps a glass of wine/day

for more on blood pressure devices, please visit

How can I lower my high blood pressure? Part 1

One of the problems with having high blood pressure is that one has no symptoms. The majority of individuals who have high blood pressure almost never complaints of any health problems. Because there are no symptoms, compliance with blood pressure medications is not good. However, all people who have high blood pressure should be forewarned that failing to control blood pressure can lead to devastating complications, some of which include loss of vision, stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.

The great news is that there are many medications that can control blood pressure. The aim of all high blood pressure medications is to lower blood pressure and protect organs like the heart, eyes, kidney, and brain from damage. When blood pressure is well controlled, there is a significant reduction in both the stroke rate and heart attacks.

High blood pressure is classified as:

- Normal blood pressure: < 120/80 mmHg
- Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89 mmHg
- Hypertension: > than 140/90 mmHg
- Stage 1 Hypertension: 140-159/90-99 mmHg
- Stage 2 Hypertension: 160 or greater/ 100 or greater mmHg

For more on blood pressure measuring devices, go to