Friday, August 28, 2009

Can mudpacks relieve arthritic joint pain? Part 2

So what does this mean for the consumer?

This was a small study and was not randomly performed. Nevertheless, there are a lot of anecdotal reports indicating that mudpacks may have some therapeutic benefit. However, for the consumer, selection of mudpack is a major problem. There are hundreds of mudpack products being sold, each with exorbitant claims about their healing powers. Many of these mudpacks have never been analyzed and no one really knows where the mud was obtained or what it contains. False labeling and misleading advertizing is common in the field of health and cosmetics. Almost everyone claims that their mudpacks are from the Dead or Red sea and sometimes from the Amazon rain forest. The only good news is that mudpacks are relatively cheap.

Today, there are many formulations of mudpacks. In fact, some ingenious vendors even sell liquid mudpacks which you can drink (probably these are the same people who recommend drinking urine for good health).

The starting price for a small tube of mudpack averages about $4. Therefore, if you have pain from osteoarthritis and have little money to spend on pharmaceutical drugs, one may want to try a mudpack. The only one way to know if the mudpack works is to try it out for a few weeks.

Individuals with arthritis who have excessive pain or joint instability, may greatly benefit from use of splints, crutches, wheel chairs, walkers, braces, or lift chairs. For more on supplies for your arthritis, please visit

Can mudpacks relieve arthritic joint pain? Part 1

One of the oldest treatments for arthritis and muscle pains has been mudpacks. The Egyptians, Romans, and Incas frequently applied mudpacks for treatment of various rheumatic disorders. Over the centuries, mudpacks have gained more influence in cosmetics and many beauty parlors use mudpacks to sooth and beautify skin.

There was a time when mud was collected from wet grounds but today, it is believed that mud collected from mineral springs and hot spas probably has the most therapeutic benefit.

For mud to be of therapeutic value, it must contain very little or no clay, and contain organic residue of herbs, flowers and grasses. With time, this residue is transformed into a fine paste that easily dissolves in water and contains a high concentration of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, various proteins, and fatty acids.

Today, many alternative health care practitioners prescribe mud baths for treatment of joint pain, muscle aches, improve eczema, acne, psoriasis, and help muscle recovery after injury. Cosmetologists recommend mudpacks to help soften skin and keep it looking younger.

One area where mud baths have been reported to be of value is treatment of joint pains from osteoarthritis. Over the years, there have been many anecdotal reports of mudpack having the ability to relieve joint pain and decrease swelling. To determine if mudpacks are truly beneficial, a clinical study was recently undertaken.

Patients with bilateral osteoarthritis were divided into two groups and treated with daily mudpacks on weekdays for 3 weeks. The mudpacks were applied to both knees for 30 mins. The control group received pain control with acetaminophen. Patients were evaluated immediately after the treatment was completed and once again a month after treatment.

Compared to the control groups, patients treated with mudpacks had superior outcomes in terms of pain control and joint swelling.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Water Purification Tablets: Part 2

There are many commercial portable drinking chemical additives available for outdoors people, hikers, and other individuals who travel into remote areas. These water purification tablets are not only for remote areas but can be used to make municipal water safe. The water purification tablets act by removing chlorine, decrease bad state and reduce the odor. Further, these products can rapidly kill a variety of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and parasites. The products are ideal for campers, hikers’ international travelers, and military personnel.

The chief ingredient in water purification tablets is chlorine dioxide/iodine. Individuals who have allergy to iodine should buy chlorine dioxide products only. The chlorine can rapidly kill most pathogens in natural fresh water. Chlorine is available in lightweight kits as a solution/tablet. When chlorine is added to water, within 30 minutes, the water will become clear and ready for consumption.

The majority of water purification chemicals are relatively cheap and cost anywhere from $5-$15 depending on the amount.

For more on water supplies and water purification systems, please visit

Water Purification Tablets: part 1

Water is essential for life. In any emergency situation, one can live for a short time without food but water is essential. Having adequate water is the one key ingredient all outdoors people should have enough. On average, one requires at least a gallon of water per day per person. One can use half of the water from drinking and the other half for cooking and cleaning. While all this sounds great, it is difficult to predict what can happen in the outdoors. Furthermore, the amount of water one can carry around is limited. Water is heavy, requires containers, and does not last very long. Therefore, an alternative to carrying water in some situations is use of water purification tablets. This is of benefit if one is expecting to be in an area where there is a lake, river, or stream. However, many rivers, lakes, and streams in the outdoors are contaminated by animal waste, pathogens, and chemicals. Further, many streams also contain numerous bacteria and other organisms, which can easily cause infection in humans if the water is ingested.

Treating dirty water to make it safe for consumption is not new. One can use paper or towel to strain water and remove dirt particles. The other option is to boil water for at least one minute. If one cannot boil water, then the second best alternative is to have other supplies like water purification tablets. These tablets can be life saving as they can turn almost any type of water into safe drinking water. Water purification tablets are readily available and come with water purification systems that can quickly provide pure cleaning water…

Walking Canes: Part 3

There are some basic canes but many can be fitted with accessories like custom-made handgrips that can provide better function and ease of use. One can also have special caps fitted at the end of the cane to maintain traction on slippery grounds. Other accessories for canes include a cushion handle, leather strap, or a plug strap.

Canes are ideal for individuals who require only one arm for balance. Even though there are many type of canes available, there is no evidence that one is better than the other as far as ambulation is concerned.

The majority of standard wooden and aluminum canes are lightweight and their lengths can be adjusted. There are many types of canes, some are collapsible, and others can be folded.

While most canes are only used for balance, some canes can be used for occasional lightweight bearing. There are also aluminum canes for the visually impaired.

Canes are also widely used by individuals who like the outdoors. Many hikers, mountaineers, and outdoor enthusiasts use walking canes.
Finally, always ensure that you buy a properly sized cane. When standing straight, the arm that holds the cane should have a 20 degree bend at the elbow. Prior to buying any cane, a visit to a physical therapist is highly recommended as one can get a better idea what one needs.

At, there are many styles of canes. The majority are compact and lightweight. Many canes come with appealing colors and a polished surface. Most canes are exceptionally sturdy and can support weights up to 220-250 pounds. Many canes can automatically unfold and lock, and are easy to store. Some even come with a convenient storage case.

For more on canes, please visit

Walking Canes Part 2

One of the ambulatory devices commonly used by elderly individuals for assistance is canes. There are many varieties and styles of canes. The choice is strictly personal. There is a lot of evidence that use of canes can improve balance and also allows for some mild degree of weight bearing. Use of a cane can help improve balance by increasing an individual’s base of support. When the cane is used correctly, it can unload pressure on the opposite leg by at least 20-25 percent.

There are four categories of canes, each of which provides a different amount of assistance during walking.

The simplest is the C straight cane with a curved handle. The C cane is for use by individuals who require minimal assistance during walking.

Functional grip canes are very similar to C canes except that the handle is different. Functional grip canes have a straight grip handle rather than a smooth curve. This allows for a steady grip and improves cane control. Functional canes are more suited for individuals who need slightly more assistance with balance.

The quad cane comes with a rectangular base and four small supports. The horizontal base provides more support. In general, Quad canes are often used by individuals who have had a stroke and are left with residual hemiplegia, or paresis of one arm, leg, or both.

The hemi walker is a combination of the quad cane and a walker. Its base is much larger and provides great base support. Besides balance, it also helps individuals remain erect easily. Individuals with severe strokes, which have resulted in dense paralysis of one side of the body, may benefit from the hemi walker.

Walking Canes Part 1

One of the very common ailment which affects many elderly individuals is difficulty walking. Unsteady gait is a very common reason for falls in the elderly. In many cases, when elderly fall, he /she is never able to get up without assistance. Moreover, these falls carry a high morbidity and mortality. The majority of these falls are associated with fractures of the wrist, hip, or knee and in most cases, surgery is required.

It is estimated that at least 10% of elderly individuals need some type of ambulatory device to help walk safely. The majority of these individuals would be home bound or bed ridden if there were no other options available to assist them walk. There are many devices which can help individuals remain mobile. Some of the more common devices include use of wheel chairs, power chairs, walkers, and canes.

Canes have been around for decades and widely used as the initial choice to assist people with gait problems. However the use of cane is not an answer for everyone who has a gait problem. Since many individuals live in homes with narrow staircases, uneven pathways, narrow door entrances and slippery floors, the use of a cane must be evaluated. Further, many individuals who have gait problems also have other medical disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, poor vision, arthritis, and hearing defects.

The one way to prevent falls and improve gait is to use an ambulatory device. The selection of such devices is best made by a health care professional or a physical therapist.

Monday, August 3, 2009

How can I lower my high blood pressure? Part 3

For those individuals whose blood pressure remains elevated after changes in lifestyle, medications to lower blood pressure are required. There are a lot of effective medications to treat blood pressure and the best medication depends on the gender, race, and other co-morbidities.

In most individuals, diuretics or water pills remain first line therapy. Other classes of drugs include calcium channel blockers, Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and beta-blockers. Sometimes a combination of drugs is required to lower blood pressure.

While treatment of high blood pressure is relatively easy, one has to understand that the process is life long and compliance is a must. Once blood pressure is controlled, it is essential to follow up with a health care professional. Home measurement of blood pressure on a regular basis is also highly recommended.

For more on blood pressure measuring devices, please visit

How can I lower my high blood pressure? Part 2

All consumers should understand that having high blood pressure on a consistent basis is not good for health.

Individuals who have a blood pressure reading greater than 120/80, should start making changes in their lifestyle, exercise, eating healthy and stop smoking.

Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce blood pressure. Exercise helps control body weight, reduces high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If blood pressure remains higher than 140/90 despite changes in life style, one, may need to take a medication. Individuals who have diabetes or chronic kidney disease should aim for a blood pressure less than 130/80.

No matter how high the blood pressure, life style changes can make a significant impact on it. The following lifestyle changes can help lower blood pressure:

- Try and lose weight if you are overweight
- Discontinue smoking
- Eat a healthy diet and avoid junk food. While there
are hundreds of diet programs, a common sense approach
should be to eat more vegetables, fruits, low fat and
avoid saturated fats.
- Reduce the intake of sodium by about a teaspoon on a
daily basis
- Exercise on a regular basis. Joining a gym is great but
one can substitute intense exercise with daily walks and
can have similar results
- Avoid excessive alcohol. Perhaps a glass of wine/day

for more on blood pressure devices, please visit

How can I lower my high blood pressure? Part 1

One of the problems with having high blood pressure is that one has no symptoms. The majority of individuals who have high blood pressure almost never complaints of any health problems. Because there are no symptoms, compliance with blood pressure medications is not good. However, all people who have high blood pressure should be forewarned that failing to control blood pressure can lead to devastating complications, some of which include loss of vision, stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.

The great news is that there are many medications that can control blood pressure. The aim of all high blood pressure medications is to lower blood pressure and protect organs like the heart, eyes, kidney, and brain from damage. When blood pressure is well controlled, there is a significant reduction in both the stroke rate and heart attacks.

High blood pressure is classified as:

- Normal blood pressure: < 120/80 mmHg
- Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89 mmHg
- Hypertension: > than 140/90 mmHg
- Stage 1 Hypertension: 140-159/90-99 mmHg
- Stage 2 Hypertension: 160 or greater/ 100 or greater mmHg

For more on blood pressure measuring devices, go to

Thursday, July 30, 2009

All about Nebulizers: Part 2

Nebulizers available today are made by many companies including Omron, DeVilbiss, Respironics, EVO, Agilent, Allied, etc. Some of the newer devices do not need compressed gas but use vibration or ultrasonication to breakup liquid medicine into a mist.

Nebulizers may look intricate in design but are fairly simple to use. To use a nebulizer one applies liquid medication in the plastic container cup. The unit is then attached to an air supply. The gushing air rotates the device in the nebulizer cup and converts the liquid into a fine mist. The mist is then inhaled via a mask. Once the nebulizer is turned on, one should take slow breaths and hold breathing for 1-3 seconds before exhaling. Once the nebulizer is used, it should be cleaned in running water at least once a week. The device should be allowed to air dry.

With nebulizer therapy, the individual just needs to breathe regularly. There is no need to maintain hand and breathing coordination like when using an inhaler. With each breath, the vapor is inhaled. Each nebulizer treatment session may last anywhere from 5-20 minutes.

Today, many medications for the lung can be delivered by nebulizers. However, nebulizers are not meant for all individuals. Some older machines are large and transportation can be difficult. Most individuals use nebulizer to treat acute asthma but switch back to inhalers when the disorder is more stable. Besides treatment of severe asthma, nebulizers are an excellent method of administering bronchodilator medications in young children and the elderly who have difficulty with use of inhalers.

Nebulizer medications and nebulizer machine require a physician’s prescription. All patients should remember that nebulizers are not a substitute for inhalers but a complimentary form of treatment.

All nebulizers have to be cleaned regularly to ensure that the tubings are free from residual medication and secretions. Use of warm water and a cloth is sufficient to clean these devices.

For more information on nebulizers, please visit

All about Nebulizers: Part 1

Millions of individuals have asthma and chronic lung disorders for which they require use of metered dose inhaler medications. In many cases, these medications are best delivered to the lung via use of a nebulizer. A nebulizer is a compressed air appliance that changes liquid asthma medicine into a fine mist that one can easily inhale. Nebulizers are ideal for children with asthma and for individuals who have difficultly using metered dose inhalers. There are many designs of nebulizers but they all function in a similar fashion.

Nebulizers help deliver the bronchodilator drugs deep down in to the lower part of lung where oxygenation takes place. Nebulizers also help individuals who are unable to take deep breaths because of chest pain, emphysema, or COPD.

With most nebulizers, one needs a source of compressed air/oxygen which when released causes liquid medicine to turn into a fine mist. The fine mist is then more easily inhaled by the individual.

In the past, nebulizers were large and only used in health care facilities. Today, nebulizers are small compact portable devices that can be used in the home. Nebulizers are also frequently used in emergency rooms to treat acute cases of asthma or severe cases of wheezing.

In the hospital setting, nebulizer therapy is administered by respiratory therapists or nurses. Today, nebulizers have been simplified and can be easily used at home.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Diabetic socks- which type should one buy? Part 2

Diabetics should buy socks made from cotton, as this fabric can help absorb moisture. Nylon socks and other fabrics do not absorb moisture and can increase humidity in the foot, thus making the skin more prone to breakdown. One should also not buy socks with a high binding rim, as this can prevent blood from reaching the toes.

The socks should be seamless. Socks with seams generally have the ability to limit blood supply. While this may not be a big deal for a non-diabetic, it is very important for a diabetic.

Finally, diabetics should select socks with a thick fabric – this can help protect the soles and toes from any external trauma or friction that occurs while wearing shoes. Thick fabric socks also promote even blood circulation and decrease chances of blister formation.

Several brands of diabetic socks also come with a reinforced heel for added protection. In addition, some socks also have an antimicrobial fabric that will decrease chance of an infection. If you have an open ulcer or a wound, buy socks which are light colored so that you can observed wound drainage.

Diabetic socks are available in all styles, colors, and sizes. Many are elegantly designed and can be worn both at home and work. While many diabetic socks can be bought online, it is important to try a pair at a store. This is to ensure that the socks are comfortable and fit right.

Diabetic socks are relatively cheap. A decent pair of diabetic socks starts at around $5 and above. Of course, higher graded pressure socks are more expensive. To ensure that your socks maintain elasticity and shape, always hand wash your socks and air-dry them.

For diabetics, good foot care is mandatory if complications are to be avoided. Buying a good pair of diabetic socks is only one aspect of preventive care. Other aspects of preventive control include maintaining blood sugars under control, exercising on a regular basis and avoid smoking

For more on diabetic socks, please visit

Diabetic socks- which type should one buy? Part 1

Diabetes is a dreadful disease and associated with numerous complications. One of the more serious complications of diabetes is development of infections of the toe and foot. The chief reasons why diabetics are more prone to foot infections is due to a decreased blood supply and loss of pain sensation to the foot. The inability to sense pain often leads to deformity and damage to the foot. Over time, the majority of diabetics end up with amputations of their toes or foot.

To prevent infections and trauma to their feet, all diabetics should take preventive steps. Asides from good hygiene, all diabetics should take excellent care of their feet, wear protective shoes and proper socks.

There are several styles and designs of socks that are geared towards diabetic patients. The socks come in many colors, fabrics, size, color, and brands. Some socks are worn just above the ankle and others can be worn as high as the knee. The majority of these socks come with stretchable fabric and have graded pressure, which is highest at the toe. These graded pressure socks help move blood back to the heart and prevent swelling of the foot.

Prior to buying any sock, all diabetics should fully understand that they have decreased blood supply to their feet. Thus, it is vital not to buy socks with high-pressure gradients, as this only further limits blood flow to the feet. Socks with high graduated pressure are generally worn by individuals who have varicose veins or those who persistently develop swelling in their feet. For most diabetics, socks with high-pressure gradients are not indicated. Therefore, one should select a pair of socks with a minimal pressure gradient of 5-7 mmHg. Diabetics who do have swelling of their feet may select socks with high-pressure gradients.

for more on diabetic socks, please visit

Friday, July 17, 2009

carpal tunnel syndrome: Part 2

The diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is usually straightforward but the treatment options are often confusing. The diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome requires a couple of tests to determine where exactly the nerve is being compressed. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, you will be referred to a surgeon, neurologist, or physical therapist.
The aim of all treatments is to relieve symptoms and restore normal hand and finger function.

When carpal tunnel syndrome is mild, the best treatment is to avoid performing tasks that aggravate symptoms. This includes taking break from repetitive work and applying cold ice packs to reduce swelling on the wrist. The other options include wrist splints, pain medications, injection of corticosteroids and surgery.

Wrist splints when worn regularly can help relieve the pain, especially at night. Wrist splints are best suited for individuals with mild to moderate symptoms. However, most individuals need some type of pain medication.

When the symptoms are severe and pain is continuous, surgery may be the only other option. Surgery can be performed with a small incision and a camera. All consumers with carpal tunnel syndrome should understand that surgery is never the first choice treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Further surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome is always elective and should never be performed under an emergency basis. Surgery is generally recommended when all other non-surgical interventions have failed to improve symptoms. The consumer has to understand that there are a fair number of individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome who undergo surgery and still have residual pain. Finally, surgery has its own share of complications.

for more on wrist splints and other medical supplies, please visit www.medicalsuppliesandmore.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 101

Many individuals in North America have been diagnosed with Carpal tunnel syndrome. One of the chief reasons why this syndrome is being diagnosed more frequently is partly related to our lifestyle and occupation

Carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway on the front of the wrist joint. In this narrow tunnel passes an important nerve to the hands and fingers. In some individuals, this tunnel narrows and compresses the nerve. When the nerve is compressed, the individual will company of numbness, pain, and tingling in the middle three fingers. In the majority of cases, only one hand is affected, but in some unlucky individual, both hands can be affected.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually include the following:

- tingling or numbness in the middle three fingers is
a common complaint. Individuals usually notice that
when they hold something in the hand, numbness or pain
comes on. Frequently, these individuals shake their
hands to relieve the symptoms
- as the disease progresses, pain radiates to the wrist and arm.
- Individuals who are in an occupation where they perform
repetitive actions with the hand often have more severe pain
- Over time one develop weakness in the hands and a tendency
to drop objects is a frequent occurrence
- when carpal tunnel syndrome has advanced, the majority of
individuals will have breakdown of hand muscles, loss of
hand function and persistent numbness in the middle three fingers.

There are many causes of carpal tunnel syndrome including:

- rheumatoid arthritis
- menopause
- diabetes
- pregnancy
- repetitive use or injury of the wrist
- Any condition which leads to fluid build up and
narrow the tunnel, thus compressing the nerve

For medical supplies, please visit

Friday, July 10, 2009

Plantar Fasciitis: Part 6

Treating plantar Fasciitis at home

If you want to treat plantar fasciitis, and have very little money, some of the things you can do at home include:

Elevate your legs every time you sit or lie down. Leg elevation can help decrease pain, and tenderness around the heel.

If the pain is acute, apply an ice pack for 20 minutes every 3-4 hours. Get someone to perform a decent foot massage. The pain will quickly disappear. If you maintain physiotherapy, rest, and massage your foot, plantar fasciitis will soon disappear.

If you are always up on your feet or are into a sport where you run or jog, take a break for a few weeks. Let the pain decrease before you restart again

If the pain always comes when you jog or run, change the type of exercise- go swimming, or cycling instead.

There are many relatively cheap arch supports available. These devices can help reduce tension on plantar fascia. There is absolutely no need to see a foot surgeon and buying expensive arch supports is not recommended.

When resting, make it a habit of stretching your ankle and massage your heel. Continue some type of physical therapy that can help you strength muscles of the foot and calf

If you are overweight, try reducing weight. Start walking

Wear comfortable shoes and avoid high heel shoes. Buy shoes that have a decent arch support, can absorb tension, and are comfortable to wear.

Change your shoes every now and then. Worn off shoes or those which are old and ragged cannot help support your arch or cushion your feet. So make an effort to invest a decent pair of shoes.

Plantar Fasciitis: Part 5


Surgery is never the first treatment for plantar fasciitis and if any physician recommends surgery as first line therapy, change your doctor or get a second opinion. Surgery is the last resort. Not only is surgery expensive but it also fails to reliably help the majority of people. Only a small percentage of people need surgery to repair/remove the plantar fascia at the heel bone. It is generally an option only when the pain is severe and all else fails. Side effects include a weakening of the foot arch.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy involves use of sound waves to promote healing of plantar fascia. The procedure is expensive, and has its own complications. One may develop bruising, swelling, and worse pain. Definitely a treatment that should be avoided in the beginning.

Alternative care

The filed of alternative care is full of charlatans selling nonsensical devices like bracelets, magnets and copper rings. None of these products work and they are a waste of money.

Plantar Fasciitis: Part 4


In almost all individuals, the treatment of plantar fasciitis begins with conservative care. Besides pain control, one may require physical therapy, splints, and proper shoe wear. In the majority of cases, this leads to healing of the disorder in just a few months. There are no magical treatments for plantar fasciitis and most treatments offered on cyberspace are nothing more than a scam.


Most people do find relief in pain with use of NSAIDs. These drugs do not cure the condition but do help resolve pain. There are many types of NSAIDS and they all work similarly.

Corticosteroids are also used to treat plantar fasciitis. These potent drugs are used in two ways. Some physicians inject corticosteroids and others use a technique of iontophoresis to help the drug enter skin. Iontophoresis uses low electrical current to help the corticosteroid migrate into the deeper tissues. Corticosteroids do help inflammation and pain but do not work immediately. Further, corticosteroids should not be used more than 2-3 times a year, as they are associated with their own complications. Corticosteroids can soften bone and can even rupture the plantar fascia. At least 30% of individuals fail to respond to corticosteroids. Some physicians use ultrasound to help guide placement of corticosteroids into the heel. Use of ultrasound is not always necessary and adds up cost of the procedure

Additional treatments

Physical therapy can be very helpful for treatment of plantar fasciitis. The therapy can help one increase muscle strength, heal fascial tears, and even stabilize the ankle joint. One can also learn ways to prevent plantar fasciitis with proper footwear and exercise.

Night splints are recommended for individuals who have severe pain at night. Splints can help support the calf and foot. This leads to decreased mobility of the foot, and hence pain is less.

Orthotics is basically getting newer custom shoes or shoe supports for your foot. The field of orthotics has gone way beyond helping people with foot problems. Many of these devices or shoes are exorbitantly expensive and not worth the money. One can get similar shoe support from a physical therapist or an orthopedic surgeon. Foot doctors are definitely not worth the expense. At most, one may need to get a support for the arch. These soles can be bought at any shoe store for 1/20th price instead of a foot doctor.

Plantar fasciitis: Part 4

Progression of Plantar fasciitis

In the beginning, plantar fasciitis may appear to be a nuisance and the pain may be tolerated. However, very quickly the disorder can limit one’s life style. The pain will come on quickly and be constant. Other individuals will find it difficult to walk even a few steps or wear shoes comfortably. Over time, most individuals develop an abnormal gait that places more strain on the back and hips.


The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is relatively simple. While the diagnosis can be made from the history and clinical presentation, some physicians may order an x ray or an MRI. Sometimes, a bone spur or a pinched nerve can present in a similar fashion.

X rays are done to ensure that there is no bone spur. Previously it was felt that all cases of plantar fasciitis were due to a bone spur. However, many individuals have bone spurs on their heels and have no symptoms. It is believed that in most cases bone spurs are an incidental finding and not a cause of plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis: part 3

Risk factors

Plantar fasciitis only develop in certain individuals. Risk factors for plantar fasciitis include:

Age. Plantar fasciitis is most common the age groups 40-60. However, in active athletes and overweight individuals, it is not uncommon to have the disorder in the early 30s.

Gender: Females for some unknown reason are more prone to plantar fasciitis.

Type of exercise is also an important risk factor. Individuals who place a lot of tension or stress on the heel are most prone to the disorder. Marathon runners, track joggers, aerobic dancers, ballet dancers and other individuals who are constantly leaping or jumping are also prone to the disorder.

Misaligned anatomy such as having flat foot or having a high arch can also cause abnormal gait and thus, leads to uneven weight bearing on the heel. This leads to more tension on the plantar fascia and pain.

Individuals who are obese generally are more likely to develop plantar fasciitis simply by virtue of placing more weight or tension on the plantar fascia

Any occupation where one is always standing or has to be upright for prolonged periods also causes plantar fasciitis. Teachers, airhostesses, servers, nurses, and waiters commonly develop this condition. Many of these individuals often develop disabling pain that requires a change in occupation.

Individuals who wear shoes with improper arch support or loose shoes often develop plantar fasciitis. Women who wear high-heeled shoes place a great deal of tension on the plantar fascia and often develop severe heel pain. Today, improper or inadequate shoe wear is the most common cause of plantar fasciitis North American society

Plantar fasciitis: Part 2


Plantar fasciitis does not develop overnight. In most individuals, the disorder develops gradually over a few months. The condition usually affects only one foot, but rarely both feet may be affected. Once the condition has develop, pain comes on very quickly after a walking a few steps. Frequently, one may feel an odd ache or a sharp burning pain in the heel after prolonged standing or seating. The pain is quite sharp and the heel may feel hot and tender at times. In severe cases, even touching the heel area may be painful. In many cases, the heel pain may radiate along the foot to the arch.

Why does plantar fasciitis develop?

The plantar fascia is a very strong structure and helps support the heel and arch of the foot. It absorbs a great deal of pressure in everyday life. However, on occasions small tears may develop in the fascia and with continued stretching and tension, the fascia does get irritated and becomes inflamed. It is very rare for plantar fascia to completely rupture but the small tears can cause a lot of pain, discomfort, and disability.

What is plantar fasciitis? part 1

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain in North American society. While a lot has been published about plantar fasciitis, the condition is still an enigma and quite difficult to treat. Even though many treatments are available, none is satisfactory.

Plantar fasciitis causes heel pain that can be constant and agonizing. The plantar fascia that connects the heel bone to the toes gets inflamed and can cause moderate to severe pain. During acute episodes, one may have great difficulty wearing shoes or even walking. Often the pain is constant and worse at night.

Once plantar fasciitis occurs, pain is first immediately felt while walking. After taking a few steps one may feel stabbing pain in the heel. The pain usually varies from moderate to severe. The pain only diminishes when one stops walking. However at times, even after a prolonged rest, the pain immediately comes back when one takes a few steps.

Plantar fasciitis can occur in anyone but is especially more common in athletes, obese individuals, pregnant women and those who wear shoes which have inadequate heel support. About 90 percent of people who develop plantar fasciitis generally recover with conservative treatments in just a few months.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Which blood pressure monitor is better: wrist or arm? part 2

If you have been getting decent readings and get a abnormal reading once in a while, do not worry. One abnormal reading may be an artifact. Relax, do not fret, and measure your blood pressure again within a few hours or the same time the next day. Only if the pattern changes, then you need to see a health care professional.

Because of the tremendous variability in blood pressure, it is vital to measure your blood pressure at the same time and in the same environment regularly. If the blood pressure is stable, one does not need to monitor BP everyday. In the beginning when a treatment has been started, BP measurements may be more frequent. For most individuals with steady BP, measurements can be done once a week.

Once in a while, take your blood pressure device to your health care professional and get it assessed. Make sure the readings you get are comparable to what the doctor gets.

A single high BP reading is meaningless- you want see reproducible readings over time. Physicians only change or prescribe medications, when they see a pattern of high readings - one single high reading is not sufficient to make a change in your diet, medication, or lifestyle.

Blood pressure kits are now widely available. A decent arm or wrist monitor with automatic features costs anywhere from $75-$150. for more on Blood pressure devices, visit

Which blood pressure monitor is better: wrist or arm?

There are many styles and designs of Blood pressure monitors. Further, there are automatic and manual machines, and now we have arm and wrist BP monitors. So what should a consumer buy?

In all cases, BP monitors work in the same fashion. When the cuff is inflated, the machine calculates your heart rate and blood pressure. The reading is then available when the cuff is deflated. Most BP devices now have a LCD screen which reflects the readings.

Whether one selects a wrist or an arm monitor is strictly a personal choice. The most important criteria for choosing a blood pressure device is that it must be accurate and results must be reproducible. You do not want to buy a machine that gives you erratic readings all the time.

So before you by a machine, learn how to measure blood pressure from your doctor or a nurse. Measure your blood pressure at the same time everyday and be calm. Do not measure your blood pressure when you are rushed and have other things in mind. Keep a log of your readings. There are some devices that can keep track of your blood pressure readings.

Blood pressure is very variable throughout the day. Generally, BP is higher in the morning, and so it is best to take the BP an hour or two after breakfast. Caffeine, cola beverages, smoking, and alcohol all affect blood pressure- so wait at least 30-60 minutes after drinking the above beverages before you measure your blood pressure.

Exercise, walking, headaches, illness, stress, and some medications also influence blood pressure. Exercise always gives high readings.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Everything about Compression Stockings part 7

How do I know what size to buy?

Compression stockings are available in various pressure gradients. All compression stockings have the highest gradient at the ankle/toe, which gradually decreases up the leg. Your health care provider will assess your condition and determine the best compression stocking for you. Leg Measurements are needed to get the best size compression stocking. It is very important to have correct size of compression stocking for good results.

Where can I buy graduated compression stockings?

Once it is decided that you are a candidate for compression stockings, you can buy compression stockings in most health stores. However, these stockings are a lot cheaper from large medical suppliers than individual pharmacies. There are many medical companies who sell these stockings online (e.g.
Never buy more than one pair initially to make sure you have the correct size and fit.

Are Compression Stockings covered by insurance?

Some insurance companies do cover cost of compression stockings if you have are at a high risk for a blood clot. You can check up on your coverage by calling your insurance carrier.

How much do compression stockings cost?

Compression stockings may be purchased with a physician’s prescription. They may cost anywhere from $30-$120/pair. Most need replacement in 9-18 months. Non-prescriptions compression stockings are also available for much less. As long as the gradient is adequate, non-prescription stockings provide the same relief of symptoms and work just as well as prescription stockings.

For those who have no medical insurance, go and buy a non-prescription pair of stockings. These cost anywhere from $7-$30. The fancy prescription compression stockings cost a lot more. Function wise, there is no difference better the two. Name brands are more expensive. No name brands work just as well, last just as long, but may not be as attractive to wear

For medical stockings, visit

Everything about Compression Stockings part 6

Will a moisturizer ruin my stockings?

A tiny amount of moisturizer on the leg will not hurt the stocking. However, one should never soak the stocking with gobs of creams, lotions, ointment, or oils containing acids or petroleum. All these chemicals can ruin your stocking.

How long does one usually wear compression stockings?

Compression stockings have to be worn as long as you are at risk for blood clots. For those who have varicose veins, stockings should be worn for a life time.

Tips for wearing Compression Stockings

- to relieve symptoms of leg swelling, one must
wear them everyday
- compression stockings are best worn with rubber gloves
- in the beginning compression stockings may feel
tight and warm, so one should wear them a few hours
each day and gradually increase number of hours each week
- stocking should be worn first thing in the morning
- stocking can be worn just before bed time
- if you develop dry skin after wearing stockings, apply
a moisturizer at night
- do not fold or roll your stocking
- do not stretch or tamper with the elastic band in the
- hand wash and air dry your stocking
- if you look after your stockings, a pair can last
anywhere from 6-12 months or even longer
- if you develop skin discoloration, or pain after
wearing stockings, remove the stockings and see a
health care professional

Do I need a prescription to buy compression stockings?

Some doctors do write a prescription for compression stockings but one can buy them without one. Many insurance companies do reimburse cost of compression stockings if the doctor writes them for a medical disorder. However, one is free to buy compression stockings without a prescription

Everything about Compression Stockings part 5

Do compression stockings cause any complications?

In general the answer is NO. However, compression stockings should not be worn when there is decreased blood supply to legs and feet. Individuals who have decreased blood supply to legs are diabetics and smokers. These individual have marginal blood flow and should refrain from wearing compression stockings

What is the major complaint with compression stockings?

Initially most individuals complain that compression stockings feel hot and tight. In hot humid weather, compression stockings can feel uncomfortable. During the summer, most individuals hate wearing stockings.

What are common myths about Compression Stockings?

Compression stockings are only for sick people. This is a false belief. Anyone can wear these stocking. Besides preventing blood clots, these garments can help reduce leg swelling, decreases fatigue and reduce occurrence of varicose veins.

Compression stockings can weaken muscles in the leg. This again is a false belief. No matter how long you wear compression stockings, they have no affect on muscles. In fact, compression stockings work by squeezing muscles of the leg and help improve circulation

When can i stop wearing compression stockings?

You can stop wearing compressions stocking any time. There is no time limit when to stop wearing stockings. Most individual stop wearing compressions stockings during warm weather. Many individuals who undergo surgery can stop wearing compression stockings once they have started to walk again. However, if you have had a prior blood clot in your leg, you need to wear compression stockings for life.

What is the best way to take care of compression stockings?

Compression stockings are durable but can be ruined by improper care. It is recommended that stockings be hand washed and air-dried. Do not use any fancy soap or chemical on stockings- just plain warm water and a detergent is adequate. Compression stockings should be treated gently. Using machines to wash and dry the stocking will ruin them in no time

Everything about Compression Stockings part 4

What should I do if stockings are uncomfortable?

Most individuals will find that the stockings feel tight in the beginning. A feeling of tightness and warmth is a common complaint. To get used to the stocking, it is recommended that one wear the stocking for a few hours each day and then gradually increase the number of hours over a few weeks.

The best benefit from stockings is achieved if the garment is worn everyday. Stockings should only be worn during daytime. Nighttime or 24-hour wear is recommended for individuals who have had a stroke, are bed ridden or have or undergone recent surgery.

If my legs are swollen, when should I wear my stockings?

Some individuals have very swollen legs and there is no way to put on compression stockings. If the legs are swollen one should stay indoors and rest. Keep legs elevated for the next 12-24 hours and let the swelling subside. This may require you to put your feet up for a few hours at a time. Once swelling has subsided, put on stockings in the morning. Wear the stocking continually for a few days. Once swelling has come down, then you can wear then only during the daytime.

When should compression stockings not be worn?

There are times when compression stockings should not be worn. These conditions include:

if you have a lot of pain after wearing a compression stocking, it is highly recommend that you take off the stocking and see a physician. Examination of leg pulses is essential

Skin discoloration.
If you have changes in skin color (blue) or pain after putting on compression stocking, remove the stocking and pay a visit to a health care professional

Venous ulcers, which occur on inside of the ankle, are an indication for compression stockings. However, ulcers elsewhere on the leg may be due to other causes and one should not wear stockings if there is evidence of arterial disease

Everything about Compression Stockings part 3

How do I wear on compression stockings?

Compression stockings can be difficult to put on initially. Because the stockings are tighter at the toe, most people have difficulty pulling them over the foot. However, there are a few easy techniques one can use to put on these stockings. The following guidelines may make it easier to wear compression stockings:

Always make sure your hands are dry before you touch your stockings. Wear gloves if you have them. The type of glove you wear is not important

Compression stockings are best worn first thing when you wake up. After a nights rest, the foot is not swollen and stockings are a lot easier to put on. If you have been up for a few hours, lie down in bed for a few minutes and keeps the legs elevated on a pillow for 5-10 minutes. This will quickly reduce swelling in the leg and make it easier to put the stockings on.

Next, Insert your fingers into the stocking as far as the heel pocket and turn the stocking inside out.

Gently slip your foot into the stocking and glide the stocking over the heel. One should always make sure that the your heel fits perfectly into the heel pocket

Now, gently roll rest of the stocking over the heel up around your ankle and calf.

Never pull or yank at the stocking, this does not help and will ruin our garment. Gently massage the stocking using your palms.

Most people get the hang of this technique and within a week, you will become a professional.

Avoid use of oils and creams while putting on the stocking. Oils and creams generally ruin the fabric and elasticity

When should I wear my compression stockings?

Compression stockings should be worn regularly with consistency. Wearing stockings just once a week will not help solve any problem. The stockings should be worn first thing in the morning and one can take them off just before bedtime. Most individuals claim that once stockings are removed at bedtime, the legs and feet feel relaxed, there is no swelling or pain. The benefit from compression stockings occurs within a few days. Getting used to compression stocking can take a few weeks.

Everything about Compression Stockings part 2

Which individuals need to wear compression stockings?

Anyone can wear compression stockings but there are a few individuals who are prone to development of blood clots in the legs. Individuals with risk factors for blood clots should wear compression stockings. Most individuals who develops persistent swelling of legs can be significantly improved with compression stockings.

What are risk factors for blood clots in the legs?

Risk factors for formation of blood clots include individuals

- who are overweight
- who have had a previous blood clot
- that are undergoing surgery
- who plan to go on a long car trip
- who are on a long air flight
- who have had a stroke
- who are on the birth control pill
- who have just given birth
- who have a blood coagulation disorder
- who are pregnant
- with cancer
- who are bed ridden

What should one know about compression stockings?

Before buying a compressions stocking, one should know size of the legs and what degree of compression is required. Always get your calf size measured before you buy a stocking. Stocking that are too tight may be very uncomfortable to wear whereas loose stockings may not provide the degree of compression required. Only a few health care professionals know how to prescribe the right stocking- so always get a referral to a vascular surgeon or a physical therapist to get the correct size of stockings.

Which stocking should you buy- knee-high or thigh- high?

For the majority of individuals knee-high stockings will do. Knee-high stockings come up to the knee and are very comfortable. Thigh-high stockings are generally meant for women and need a garter belt to hold them up. Thigh-high stockings do have a tendency to roll down the leg.

Everything about Compression Stockings

What are compression stockings?
Compression stockings have been around for about 30 years. These stockings were initially known as TED stockings (thromboembolic deterrent stockings) and are widely used in hospitals all over the globe.

Twenty years ago, these stockings were used in hospital to prevent formation of blood clots in the leg. The stockings have a higher pressure in the toe and the pressure gradually decreases along the leg. The graded pressure is designed to simulate muscles of the leg and squeeze blood out of the foot and into the upper body. Individuals who wear such stockings have a much decreased rate of blood clot formation. Other benefits of compression stockings include less leg swelling, prevention of varicose and spider veins.

Today, compression stockings are more refined, attractive, made of excellent fabrics, and can be worn by both genders to prevent leg swelling. Many individual wear compressions stocking today as a regular outfit primarily to prevent leg swelling

Can compression stockings be worn by men also?

Yes, Graduated compression stockings are made for both men and women. The stockings come in various styles and designs. The three available styles include knee-highs, thigh-highs, and pantyhose.

What medical disorders can be treated with compression stockings?

Compression stockings are probably the best non-surgical method of treating a variety of medical disorders like:

- spider veins
- star veins
- varicose veins
- lymphedema
- venous ulcers
- post phlebitic syndrome (swelling and discoloration
of leg after an episode of a deep venous thrombosis)
- deep vein thrombosis
- prevention of blood clots in the legs
- venous ulcer
- swelling of legs in congestive heart failure
- swelling of legs in liver and kidney failure

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Compression socks 101 part 2

There are many styles, designs, colors, and sizes of compression socks. Individuals who sweat a lot should buy cotton made socks. Diabetics or athletes should get compression socks with reinforced heels. These socks are better able to tolerate high pressures and also prevent injury to the foot.

Individuals who stand on their feet all day can help prevent foot swelling and leg aches by wearing compression socks on a daily basis.

Compression socks are recommended for individuals with

- Lymphedema
- Varicose veins
- Spider veins
- Venous ulcer
- Congestive heart failure
- Kidney failure
- Liver failure
- Recurrent foot ulcers
- arthritis

Compression socks
can be worn by all individuals, irrespective of age, health, or sex. The latest compression socks are easy to wear, sturdy and extremely comfortable. Compression socks can be washed but are best air-dried to preserve the compression features. One can buy compression socks from most medical supply stores. The cost of these socks varies from $5-$25.

for more on compression socks, visit

Compression socks 101

There are many types of compression socks available today. In the past, most compression socks were not durable, did not have any decent pressure gradient and the fabrics were of poor quality. All this has changed in the past 2 decades. Today, compression socks are made from good quality fabrics, are durable, attractive, comfortable to wear and more importantly, affordable.

Compression socks can be worn by both genders. The majority of compression socks available today are attractive, can be worn in the home or at work and help prevent swelling of the feet.

Compression socks have a higher pressure gradient at the toe and the pressure gradually decreases up along the leg. While most compression socks can be worn up to the ankle, the best results are obtained with socks that extend to mid leg or the calf. By gently squeezing blood out of the legs, compression socks limit foot swelling and minimize discomfort that is common at the end of a long day. Most compression socks also have a non elastic band that prevents the sock from rolling down the leg.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Installing Stair Lifts for the home part 3

Are there any warranties on stair lifts?

Sure, most companies do offer some type of warranty on parts

Are there any safety features on stair lifts?

Yes, many stair lifts come with a variety of safety features. The available safety features include a footrest sensor, seat belt, end of track limit sensor, slack cable sensing, and instant reverse capability.

The safety sensors ensure that the lift will not start prematurely or run unless you are properly seated and fastened with a seat belt. The footrest sensor will detect any obstacles on steps and will not let the lift run until the path is clear

How do stair lifts run?

All stair lifts require electrical power, but a few recent stair lifts can even run on a battery, in case there is power failure.

Can a stair lift carry luggage?

Sure, stair lifts can also be used to transport luggage, boxes or cargo, both up and downstairs.

What is cost of stair lifts?

Cost of stair lifts is variable and depends on style, design, and model you desire. The average starting prices for the actual lift is about $ 1800 and above. Installation is extra. In most cases, one can get a solid sturdy stair lifts under $3,000.

Can stair lifts be installed on all types of staircases?

While stair lifts are almost always installed on straight staircases, there are options available if the stairway is curved.

Please consumers, do not go with the first installer. Get referrals, ask questions, haggle about the price and always get a second opinion. With the economy being the way it is, you have the advantage of negotiating a good price.

Installing Stair Lifts for the home part 2

When the stair lifts are not in use the seat and legs can be folded. There are many styles and designs of stair lifts. The majority of stair lifts can be installed in less than 2-8 hours and be used on the same day. The major issues with installing stair lifts is your function level, weight and what you can afford.

On the day of consult, you will be given all options of a stair lift Once the lift is installed, it is ready for use. There are several styles of stair lifts- some operate manually and others are automatic. The stair lifts also have safety mechanisms and will not operate until the appropriate button is pressed. In most cases, you sit on a stair lift that has a small padded cushion, place your feet inside the frame on the footrest. Once the button is pressed, the lift will slowly move up the staircase. When you want to come down, follow the same routine.

The biggest advantage of stair lift is that they offer you more freedom and also better use of your home. You no longer have to pee in a bucket, or sleep in the downstairs kitchen just because you were not able to walk upstairs.

What weight can a stair lift carry?

Most stair lifts are made of strong durable materials like stainless steel or high strength aluminum. The lifts can carry a weight load of up to 250-350 pounds. Of course, heavy loads also are prone to early malfunction. The lifts work best for individuals less than 220 pounds – the lighter the load the longer the lifts last.

Are the stair lifts comfortable?

Yes, Most have wide padded seat and a footrest. Hopefully, you won’t be using the stair lift as your personal sofa. Many seats can be removed when the lift is not in use

How long have stair lifts been in use?

Stair lifts have come a long ways. In the last decade, technology has improved significantly and stair lifts available today function quite well in the home. The majority of stair lifts are reliable, efficient and can last up to a decade without any malfunction.

Installing Stair Lifts for the home

Many elderly and other handicapped individuals live in homes with stairs. Going up and down the stairs is a major complaint by many handicapped individuals and the elderly. Individuals may not be able to go up or down the stairs because of problems with their age, weakness in muscles, arthritis, paralysis, or amputations of extremities. For these individuals, they have no choice but to remain downstairs or on the ground floor. For many individuals this was the only option for decades. This option is also not great if there are no personal care facilities on the ground floor.

Many elderly individuals and handicapped patients have lived their entire lives under such miserable conditions simply because they could afford to live anywhere else, nor did they have money to make extensive home renovations.

Now there is a reasonably priced option for many individuals who have stairs in the house but cannot walk.

In the last decade, several home design companies have come up with stair lifts that are easy to install and can be used immediately. One does not need to break the home down to install these stair lifts. The stair lifts can carry you upstairs and also bring you downstairs, safely and fast.

Stair lifts are an excellent choice for individuals who live in multi story homes but are not able to go up or downstairs. These automatic stair lifts are not bulky or obvious and do not take up too much room on the stair case.